DNPA Code of Ethics

At CarFusion360, we prioritize maintaining the highest standards of ethics in all our activities. This code outlines guidelines to ensure every team member operates with integrity, follows applicable laws, and refrains from any behavior driven by personal benefit.

Gifts, Favors, and Payments

Any gifts or payments offered by CarFusion360 must adhere to proper business etiquette, be modest in value, align with legal guidelines, and be transparent to avoid any negative public perception.

It is against company policy to offer payments or commissions to customer associates without a formal written agreement.

Receiving Gifts, Favors, and Entertainment

Employees must not seek or accept gifts, entertainment, or favors unless these serve a valid business purpose, particularly from individuals or businesses that have dealings with CarFusion360.

Small-value gifts or routine business courtesies may be accepted, but stricter rules apply when accepting gifts from vendors or suppliers.

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

Team members should avoid scenarios where their personal interests may conflict with those of CarFusion360.

Any such conflicts must be disclosed to a supervisor immediately.
This includes ownership or roles in external businesses that compete with or conduct business with CarFusion360.

Protecting Confidential Information

The misuse or unauthorized sharing of CarFusion360’s confidential information is strictly prohibited and could lead to disciplinary measures, including termination of employment.


Any breach of this code will result in strict disciplinary actions, up to and including termination. Employees must also report any policy violations they become aware of.

Guidelines for Social Media Usage

Social media posts reflect on the company, so employees should exercise care in their online activity. These posts can have a long-lasting impact and are essentially public statements.
All employees are expected to adhere to the policies in the Employee Handbook when engaging in social media activities.

Posting Responsibility

Each employee is accountable for what they post online. Any improper or unprofessional behavior on social media may result in disciplinary actions, including termination.
If employees reference CarFusion360, they should ensure their views are identified as personal opinions.

Respectful and Professional Communication

Employees should remain professional and courteous in all communications, avoiding content that could be seen as offensive or inappropriate.

It is crucial to respect the privacy of others and refrain from posting misleading or false information.

Accuracy and Transparency

Information posted online should be accurate. In case of errors, corrections should be made transparently, explaining any necessary changes.

Respect Legal Requirements and Confidentiality

Employees must follow all legal guidelines, including copyright and privacy laws. No confidential company information should be shared without proper authorization.

Reporting Concerns

Any suspected violation of this policy should be promptly reported to HR. Retaliation against employees reporting concerns is strictly forbidden.

Plagiarism and Fairness

Plagiarism is strictly prohibited at CarFusion360. All journalists and writers must ensure fairness by allowing all involved parties to respond when covering stories.

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